My 5 Favorite Things to Crochet

Hello friends,

The focus of today’s blog is five of my favorite crochet projects to make. These projects vary in length and tediousness but they are all such a joy to have on my hook. I hope this post inspires you to think about which projects you love to make the most and hopefully you can get one started soon. I love making projects for others because of the care and love that I can put into them, but it makes it even sweeter whenever it is an enjoyable project to make as well. So without further ado here are my top five favorite projects to crochet.

5 things to Crochet

  1. Bumble Bee

  2. Appa from Avatar

  3. Cardigan

  4. Snowman

  5. Plesiosaurus

Information about the Projects

  1. Bumble Bee

    These sweet little guys are so fun and easy to make. Last June I wanted to make something summery and so I decided to make a bee. At that point, I was getting adventurous and wanted to go out on a limb and make my own pattern instead of using someone else’s which is all I had done up until that point. I figured it wouldn’t be that hard since the body is just an elongated ball; the hard part was figuring out how to make the wings the right shape. This took some trial and error, but I soon figured out a way that worked for me.

    I am so glad I started making these little guys and I think it is safe to say a lot of other people are glad too because they are my top selling item. Below is a picture of the first bee I made and then one of my current bees. In the following pictures you can also see my Christmas Ginger Bread Bee (or Gingerbee) as well as my Valentine’s bees.

2. Appa from Avatar

Who else watched Avatar: The Last Air Bender growing up? Well I did and I loved it. Especially their giant flying bison named Appa. So when one of my fellow Appa lovers had a birthday I knew I had to make him one. Now at this point I hadn’t been crocheting very long and hadn’t done a lot of big, intricate projects so this was a major step for me. If I recall right, I think it took me about eight hours total and a lot of figuring out what the pattern was saying (since I still couldn’t read patterns the best). But in the end, it was all worth it and I was so happy with how it turned out. It was so fun to see it go from a pile of legs and horns to the fluffy, white bison pictured below. Sadly, I don’t have any good pictures of him, but I guess that means that I’ll just have to remake him soon!

The pattern is by Thoresby Cottage.

3. Cardigan

This is the first cardigan I have ever made (and only the second piece of clothing) so it was really fun to get to see it come together and try it on as I worked. Fair warning though: there are a LOT of granny squares to make! I made this my side project for months and found that most of the time I was making squares while riding in the car, waiting at places, or watching tv since it is a little less involved than making amigurumi. I am almost finished with it and I am so happy with how it is turning out. At this point, all I have left is to put the ribbing around the neck and bottom.

The pattern by Elviona Halim was simple and easy to follow. Below are some pictures and there are more on my Instagram.

4. Snowmen

These snowmen were another project that I wanted to try and not use a pattern on. Given that they are snowmen and just spheres I figured this wouldn’t be too hard and I was right. I did have to play around with the. sizes and placements of the face, but in the end they made super easy and quick projects that were oh so cute! I even made little hats and scarves for them to add a little more holiday spirit.

I definitely recommend making these for the holidays. Not only do they make adorable decorations, but great gifts as well since they are easily customized.

5. Plesiosaurus

Your first thought is probably “What in the world is a plesiosaurus?” or at least that was mine. In short, it is a distinct dinosaur that looks like the Loch Ness Monster. It is so cute and unique and definitely big. This is by far the longest amigurumi that I have ever made. It was a really neat project and I got to learn a lot from this pattern about using different stitches to make the amigurumi’s body shape up a certain way.

This pattern is written by Conmismanoss and can be found in the Dinosaurs, Mammoths, and more Prehistoric Amigurumi book. It is super easy to follow along with and I highly suggest giving it a try. I made this for my sister and switched up the colors a little bit to make it more personalized. I highly suggest using a yarn that fades or ombres as it makes a really cool look since the body is so long.

I hope that one of these projects inspired you to make something fun and enjoyable. Don’t be afraid to make up your own pattern and project. Shake things up! Following patterns is great and helpful, but it is always more fun when you customize your projects so they are unique to you!

Keep on creating!



Free Scrunchy Pattern


6 Tips for Crocheting